On Saturday morning we featured a new work, presented live in the studio by the producers Christian Ahlborn and Frauke Berg. Christian explains more about the ideas that informed the piece:Germans are not very experienced in public controversy and normally do everything to avoid it. Especially if it might spoil our self-image as a democratic “model student” . So we avoided a common dispute on migration, integration, our self-conception as nation in a unified Europe, gender mainstreaming and many other potentially contrivers topics in the last decades.
Now this dislocations brake open in rallies and manifestations which appears to be a divide in the recent german history. They call them self PEGIDA “Patriotic europeans against the islamic influence on the occident” (which held the biggest rally in the german post-reunification era). They are a extremely heterogeneous fusion from frustrated middle class citizen, over fundamental religious movements, right wing splinter parties to hardcore neo-nazis.
Using field-recordings from the Düsseldorf PEGIDA and DÜGIDA events , a hint of soundclips from Godard’s “Weekend”, and a live sampling of music and sound fragments from Frauke Berg, “Fatherland” is an attempt of an acoustic approach on the strange clash of antipodal world views in the streets of Düsseldorf.
Frauke Berg: live sampling & musical parts
Christian Ahlborn: field recordings, concept, editing
Thomas Frank: concept, editing
Matti Rouse: Voice-over
Thomas Frank / Bochum
Radio Journalist (focused on arts & culture coverage) for the WDR & Deutschlandfunk
Christian Ahlborn / Düsseldorf:
Radio Journalist ( media, culture & society topics, also working in the field of mayor radio features) graphic-designer, photojournalist, co-designed a participative art installation for the memorial site of the former sinagogue Marburg
Frauke Berg / Düsseldorf:
In her artistic works Frauke Berg interweaves animations and drawings with her voice and electronic sounds. She published a vinyl record “Ten little Bugs” on the Düsseldorf independent label “Slowboy Records”. Together with the composer and musician Anja Lautermann she founded the sound-performance project “Studium Stadt” using field recordings mixed with voice, analogue sounds an animations.